Though we
are fare ahead and very advanced in the education system and teaching
methodology today than what was done in vedic era of guru and shisya tradition.
We have advanced ourselves in the field of science and technology. We are today
able to access to crores kilometer mars and other planetary bodies. We have
also accessed the unfathomable oceans. Today we are boasting of our
something we are lacking the blind race development that is ethics and values.
We are forgetting the value system that was sometime the very backbone of our
social structure.
Because of
this today the crimes rates are increasing. The crimes like kidnap, murder,
rape and loots have become day to day activities in so called developed and
advanced metropolitan cities. Every body is rushing toward money and power.
Everybody wants it by hooks or crooks. This leads to make the simple man into
dishonest and faithless. The healthy social structure gets contaminated and an
atmosphere of uneasiness and restlessness prevails all around.
Today the
world is facing the big challenge of terrorism. Imagine where from the
terrorism has originated. If these rascals would have been given value
education was it possible to become them a terrorist and killing thousands
innocent people world around. I say never. They would have better lived a
simple life than to involve in such terrorist activities.
Today even
in the family and society and at workplace and public places we observe the
lack of values among us. We don’t respect elders. We don’t do on duty in time.
We give and take bribes. We skip our moral duties and obligations. We don’t
follow traffic rules. We don’t help the persons in needs. We don’t help the old
and senior persons.
This is
because we are missing value system in ourselves. So we need to introspect
within ourselves. We must try to promote value education in our society. The
parents should also give value tips to their children.