
Thursday, August 16, 2018


The women are inseparable part of human life and society as well. Their co-existence, co-operation and compatibility throughout all ages, spaces and circumstances is vital, vibrant and progressive. The world without women is beyond imagination and human perceptions. They played their impressive, active, stormy and hazardous roles to make the human species the master controller, prominent ruler and dominant race of the planet. All such vigorous, wonderful and magnificent advancements were impossible without equal struggle, brilliant companionship and courageous contributions of women. In the long mortal fights for serene survival and cozy existence with circumstances, fellow creatures and above all with nature, they finally laid their supremacy, authority and ownership on the planet together.

But alas! Today, the women need empowerment. The women who have the privilege to eternalize the humanity and manhood, the women who stand in the centre of creation, the women without whom the human world is null and void, today they need empowerment! One may helplessly feel embarrassed and deeply hurt on finding the fact that the human society is making endeavor to bring back their prestige and mastery in the society. In fact, the women need not empowerment. They are already powerful, capable and strong.

They had been so called crushed, exploited, deprived and humiliated under the willful dominance of their fellow men. They were shifted to the standard of second rate citizen, subservient and slave. The right to live with all human dignity, individuality and independence was extracted, suppressed and mutilated. They lost their glorious individual entity. Their master position slipped to servility. They became servants in the hands of father, husband and children. Their dominance was engulfed into dependence. They lost their decision making power and position in all personal, family, property, social, religious, political and other various matters of life. Their body, mind, soul and whole life was controlled, used and guided by the men. They have no more any opinion on even trifle, trivial and simple issues and occurrences.

They are mere mode, toy and machine of pleasures, play and assistance in household chores. They are only to bear the brunt of impregnating, begetting, and fostering children progeny for furthering the generations. They were victimized by phantom social malwares like infanticide, child marriage, matchless marriage, Devdasi system, harsh widowhood, Sati system, Jauhar system, Pardah system, illiteracy, slavery, superstitions and caste taboos. Even today they are captive and sufferer of such inglorious and laws prohibited misdeeds like feticide, abortions, abduction, rape, molestations, dowry devil, domestic violence and gender inequality.

From the high profile saints of ages to the modern consumerist social administration, all have executed plans and raised slogans. Now the resonance of this can frequently be heard at every door, street and village, moreover in the parliament too. Now a day, crying big slogans either individual or by the mode of organized way, has become ever day’s events and occurrences. One may easily find the hurtling and hovering wall paintings, hefty posters, banners and hoardings, loud speaker announcements, expensive meetings and seminars, newspapers, TV channels, social media, pamphlets, stickers, magazines and books full of bewitching and tempting high promises of gender equality, gender sensitization and women empowerment.

Such slogans and propagandas factually serve the purpose but of money minting NGO’s, corrupt bureaucracy and ravenous opportunist politicians, not for the women. The mutual understanding among such high profile individual, organized or unorganized bodies, make large scale hue and cry for the welfare of women, but these rascals, ruffians and looters rather worsen the condition of women. They showcase, demonstrate and act to extend their helping their hands for their upliftment, that rather make the women more dependants, waiting and weak. Their natural instinct to grow by themselves gets brutally stranded, nipped and stunted. These trios are afflicted, contaminated and ailed in the fatal disease of nepotism. For foiling, fabricating, and framing fraudulent strictures, they misuse their power, position and prestige for their own interests together. Their buildings and bungalows, cars, jewelries day after day become more costly, bright and beautiful. These scoundrels have their strong, deep and dangerous hold in people, society and politics. Under the vicious, venomous and vile cover of benevolence, they fulfill their hidden, covetous and cavernous intents. The common citizenry is either unaware of their real notions or under demoniac terror of such mafia people. If anyone dares to raise and rise against them, by the united efforts of such trios, they are harassed, tortured and silenced any way.

These trios also do all their best to de-motivate, discourage and dampen the leadership of women. They unite, organize, administer and control with the face of some women. They take all illegal undue benefits of women by enticing, misguiding and blackmailing them. Such monsters reserve and preserve the main leadership, direction and control in their own hands. They keep these inexperienced, zealous and constraints affected women on the front for merely face, fight and focus so that they easily convince and win the confidence of common people in their charity charms.

The same scene, scenario and situation pervades in politics too. The well established and recognized national or regional parties and non recognized parties counterfeit crooked and wicked ways to win the confidence of women voters. They tempt some high gentry and sometimes commoner beautiful women by money, position and power. They make promises to endow celebrity, ministerial and other avaricious greedy political posts. As being unused of such vice practices, latent duplicities and political artifices, they most often so easily become prey in their cruel hands. Slowly and slowly they are stealthily snared in their nets hard to come out of it. They use them whatever way they want. These women, even till today, could not get equal representation in legislation, executive, judiciary and media. Though they occupy half of the population, yet they could not occupy half of the position, power and prestige. Indian constitution gives equal opportunity, right and privilege even to women by abolishing all inequalities and discriminations including gender equality, but even after 70 years or independence, they could not get their share and representation. This is all because man dominance in politics where women are only utilized for ill and illegal purposes. The women could not retain dignity, command and dominance there too.

If we look deep into the service sector, we again get a gloomy, disappointing and depressing scene. Service sector precedes education. Degree holding, merit, education and competitions are the backgrounds that enable us enter into different services either in government or private sectors. First the people in 21st century, still thinks education suitable only for boy child and unsuitable for girl child. The boy child is promoted and facilitated for basic, secondary, higher, professional, technical and other studies whereas the girl child is thrashed and thrust to household works within four walls. The marriage and dowry of the girl child is matter of more concern than their education. On the age growth and puberty, the parents start fearing ignominy, insult and social outcaste if she has affairs with someone. The chastity and virginity may be spoiled by her unethical and immoral wrong ways. The girl child befits in the focus than the boy child. So in place of bestowing good education, opportunity and respect in services, they are engaged and betrothed in pious social familial knots. The rural women are afflicted by this disease more than the urban ones. The need is to change our perception, outlook and traditional concepts for fostering a bright and brilliant future for women. That is possible only if they are given good education and promoted to services to live a prestigious dignified social and public life.
In the age where there is rapid growth of privatization, globalization and liberalization, the women have not still secured equal, considerable and worthy hold in business sector. There business, management and direction capability in no more hidden to anyone today but their share, contribution and representation in the business sector is too disheartening, sad and worthless mentioning. As the business sector is supposed to be more flexible, unstable, risky, volatile, sharp edge competition, unsafe and dangerous, the women are forbidden, distanced and discouraged here. The 99% business activities are controlled, owned, administered and held by the male fellows. It’s not like that the women cannot hold such heavy responsibilities with utmost dexterity, skill, common business ethics and understanding, but social mindset about women stand as obstacle and big hindrance in the path. If there is any contribution of women in this field, that is only nominal like laboring by poor women to sew, knit, assemble, patching and other least significant works. They hardly are in the managing, commanding and directing positions. Until the women are behaved like second rate citizen, it’s foolish to talk of their empowerment.

But what often strikes the mind is that how much the women society is conscious about the concession and reservations bestowed on them. Thousands of attempts have been made in rules, legal proceedings, constitutional measures and penal systems, but the women are still unaware of them. They don’t know what privileges they have got from such acts, articles and provisions. They don’t know what have been done to better their conditions in the course of time. Until they become self aware about their rights and reservations, it’s hard to solace their pathetic situations. They must not look towards their fellow men to solvate their agonies and stresses, rather they should realize it by themselves and step forward for their own emancipation, liberty and equality. The hindrances may not stand long if they together pledge to overcome them. No power can stifle them to break the shackles of slavery, if they have once made commitment to sabotage the age long fetters. They must stand strong with the infallible vows to snatch away their share from every field of human life.

There are other ferocious discriminatory attitudes of people towards women. The distinction between the richer, middle and poor women is easily and simply visible everywhere. The high rank women are enjoying more freedom, luxuries, opportunities and privileges than the middle and poor class women. Such double standard and partial treatment towards women create wide rift and rupture among them. At many places, the richer women are found misusing, exploiting and misguiding the poor and innocent women. Those upper caste women behave so niggardly and rudely to the lower caste women as the men do to whole women folk. These women don’t feel the sanctity of womanhood and its liberation. They imperil, endanger and perish the life of other low profile, needy and innocent women into the snares of prostitute to benefit the men folk. If such temperaments prevail in the society, the dream of women empowerment will remain a dream only, beyond the horizon of any reality.

To correlate this with one of the instances which occurred, it is rather most appropriate to cite. One day an innocent incident strengthened this conviction when I happened to glare upon the pages of ‘The Sentinel Hindi daily’ in front of school library. The venerable daily has fantastically and emphatically commented over the women empowerment. The cycle rickshaw was being driven by a poor flimsy girl about 17 or 18 years old girl. Back to the cycle rickshaw, there were certain domestic amenities fiercely laden. The underneath line commented like 'the virtual condition of women leading so pathetic life when the world is celebrating the women's empowerment day in Patna Bihar'.

It was as one could have expected from media persons after twilight of ‘Annual Women's Empowerment Day’. What stunned and dazzled the fleshy eyes, dormant mind and cozy heart most? There were, on the same page and in the same state of Bihar, but district was different, Bhagalpur, few contradictory and mind boggling pictures. There were certain women well clad, stylish, aristocratic modeled, well decorated sophisticatedly, half smile upon face, entertaining themselves with fun games. Up to a long times, the eyeballs hung between two pictures of women but different positions and prestige. What could one think and what could one say at such junctures and critical conditions?

See them and see the advocates of women's empowerment, what they opine about such luxuries inflicted to the genteel ladies. Do they not need to be empowered, instructed and invigorated? Who would have any personal ill feeling for such women? The matter of concern is to highlight, analyze and opine of what is being factually done for their betterment.

For the name of women the empowerment scheme is highly, hugely and greatly required. All may agree, advice and support. But the most crucial and conflicting thing is that ‘The measures of such motives must be based on real economic, social, educational, occupational and political backwardness. The initiatives, programs and propagandas about their empowerment are full of malady and malaise.

Why to question, debate and discuss about their empowerment? That is another tool to make them feel that they are weak, dependant and fragile. This will rather enhance their subjugation and slavery. They will be compelled to feel that they require the help of men for their emancipation and liberation.
One thing that lies deep in the mentality of Indian people is that ‘Preaching high and boasting big matter a lot than  to act something in reality on pragmatic ground’. Until they forsake such tendency, nothing may come out of it. They merely preach of women empowerment. To what level it is going to happen? Or will it remain a mere political propaganda like thousands of others? Nobody has any definite and satisfactory answer. Another evil lying in the society is that they talk to bring reformation in others. They need first to follow the principle that ‘charity begins at home’. One must bring the reformation in oneself and family first, only then, he should move ahead for reformation in others and the society.

Now the women have shown their worth and caliber in front of the world. They are on the path of enhancement and empowerment. Not bad at all. Really step to welcome, thing to adore.


It’s widely accepted that the love of humanity is above all religions. May it be Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism or any other religion across the world, each of them has the same spirit, all are sons of the same father, then why are we fighting to divide ourselves in the false pretension of patriotism, nationalism or many more.

One may boast to say that universal brotherhood is the mirage because every nation must put hand forward for this task; only then, this can be a reality. Can anybody tell the name of any country where the great souls did not universalize the oneness factor, to love the humanity and respect every individual? The great souls like Lord Christ, Lord Buddha, Confucius, jarthustra lightened the lamp of humanity through ages. There had been the effort by every country in this direction.

Today, in the globalized world, who can imagine to be untouched from the occurrences world over?  It’s like being empty stomach in spite of delicious dishes in the home.

Just think how all nations are interdependent over one another economically, socially and religiously. Being broken from the bonds how can any nation survive? Can anybody tell any nation fulfilling all its requirements by its own? It’s our firm belief and wide acceptance that there will be none.

The days of blind nationalism and unguarded patriotism are wrapped in pages of history books; today they mean nothing in reality.

Today in materialistic and utilitarian world we don’t live merely in family, village, country but in the world too. The students prefer to get education in foreign universities, to marry foreign girl, to settle in foreign land, to visit foreign tourist places. Moreover, everyone wants to become an international icon than being capsized in any particular territory.

Today whole of the world have felt the vitality of universal brotherhood, that’s why many international social, political, religious and economical organizations are constituted to supervise the welfare of the world and humanity.

In the field of entertainment, many foreigners have become the integral part of Bollywood films whereas many Indians performed in foreign TV serials and other places.

In sport, this interdependency can clearly be observed; the coaches and trainers are mostly foreigners. In IPL, one may see how India has divided into many teams having many foreign players in different sides. In many interviews of these players have expressed, how they enjoy the companionship of one another with diversified habits and cultures.

It’s also a fact that once to contact other country was a hard task, then the life of individual was confined but today in the age of technology, that excuse exists nowhere. Now an Indian can join the wedding party in America in gap of 7 or 8 hours. An Indian studying in America can talk his family in India as if they are talking sitting beside.

So it’s a wonder how anyone can talk of mere patriotism in this age.  Just sit aside and think what anyone is going to obtain and miss as a patriot and as an international citizen, the answer you will get by yourself.

Over emphasizing patriotism means we are again treading back to the age of brutality and duel, only fight all around to show ownership of particular territory and property. Does anybody want another world war like situation? Are the people not fed up of the immeasurable losses in two consecutive world wars?  Don’t the people realize that these world wars have put indelible spot in the history of human beings?

Before being American, Chinese or Indian, we are human being of the same anatomy. What’s wrong in hugging universal brotherhood? It’s like the tree giving sweet fruits and shades for other and preserves nothing for itself and like the rivers providing water for others not for itself. It does not drink water but it makes other drink.

Even an ordinary man with simple prudence and confidence can firmly tell that its unstoppable natural force, no power can be hindrance in its way. It will prosper, prosper and prosper.

India has ever initiated positive step in this regard. In Vedic era the idea of ‘UDAR CHARITANAM TU, BASUDHAIVA KUTUMBKAM’ showed the spirit of humanity. Latter Lord Buddha and Tirthankar Mahabir Swami embraced the people of every section of society. Who can forget the historical moment not only in Indian history but the history of the world, when Swami Vivekanand powerfully lectured in Chicago conference of religions in 1893.

In 20th century, Mahatma Gandhi taught the lesson of truth and non-violence and told that need not fear from the sinners but from the sin.

Think about the country’s economy where most of the foreign companies pay high taxes to government and provide the valuable services in different forms whereas most Indian companies earn a lot from foreign soils and pay back to Indian government and Indian people. To provide most of transport, food and technological facilities, we depend to debt from IMF and World Bank that has made the development in Indian possible. We get handsome amount as gratuity from W.H.O. to fight fatal diseases and natural disasters. The foreign tourists pay beautifully visiting India for different purposes.

After coming in contact of other countries, our social framework has also changed positively. There is great emphasis over girls’ right, education, poverty alleviation, awakening for downtrodden people, improve in literacy rate, life standard and ascending the per capita income. The great souls went to another countries and served a lot like James Princep, Sir William Jones, Mother Teresa , Annie Vesant, C.F. Andrews, Sonia Gandhi and other many Indians in abroad.

If universal brotherhood has subdued patriotism and nationalism and created a globalised way of living with cooperation and contribution, it has also created several deadly challenges which we were unknown from till now. Only to heighten the debate of universal brotherhood and to downgrade patriotism will be a big blunder. Universal brotherhood may be superb and scintillating vision, but patriotism has its own place and regard representing the sentiments of huge population. To speak mere high and glorify universal brotherhood to be quintessential for mankind is a nominal false pretention. If it’s not like that, then can anyone give an answer?  ‘If there is fire in the village and his/her house too is on ablaze, whose house will he save first’, obliviously the answer will be ‘own house’. Another situation which can be exemplified and put, if the team won any trophy, and his/her brother was one of the team member, whether he/she will celebrate the victory of team of her brother, certainly the victory of her brother will be more important than the victory of the team.

Under the light of these references it is to emphasize that in theory whatever may be, but in practical life, an individual is above all sorts of universal convictions and false promises.

Just think, how can a hungry man fulfill the stomach of another one? How can a man donate the needy persons lavishly if his own bank account goes nil. To get an appropriate answer, one should go and ask a beggar on the footpath ‘What does universalism mean? For him two times meal is more important than any concept or ideology. There is another big hindrance in the path of universal brotherhood. Can a man fiercely entangled in the personal problems solve other’s problems? Of course, answer will be ‘a big no and never’. One can easily find the contradiction in the idea of creating the beautiful platform of universal brotherhood where every human being will be treated equally like brothers. It’s merely mirage in the deserts which is never going to be fulfilled. The patriotism is not merely a reverence to the nation but it’s a religion, it’s a culture and moreover it’s above all goals of livings.

One may shower claims to bring equality and fraternity in human race through universal approach and ideology while he/himself might be well aware of the fact that it’s never possible as ‘difference lies in the very nature of man’. There are large scale differences among human race in color, climate, lifestyle, belief, caste and creed. These reasons had been the factors of conflict between different communities. The European countries captured the other countries and tortured brutally their original people and squeezed its natural resources. They consider themselves to be more civilized species of earth. In that case it’s nightmare to think and foster the idea about universal brotherhood.

It’s not the first time in human history to think about universalism. The great souls like Lord Christ in Europe, Jarthustra in West Asia, Confucius in China and Gautam Buddha, Mahabir Swami in South Asia propagated the idea of love to human beings but today their sermons and preaching are lied buried in the books or in the temples only. The communal riots, long list of conversion, by avarice, trick or by force do authenticate the rifts and differences in us. They cry the slogan of one god and all sons, but the same have bifurcated and divided. They are fanatic and orthodox of their own beliefs and religious practices. Even in the modern world of science and technology the superstitions prevail strongly.

India extended hands of brotherhood with China in the year 1962 with slogan ‘Hindi Chini, Bhai Bhai’ but in return how China responded, we all know very well, the attack on the poorly equipped soldiers in the regime of Pt Nehru. We also know what the then prime minister Atal Bihari Bajpai got in return after his visit to Pakistan in 1999- the heinous and inglorious the Kargil War.

It’s not problem of India or its neighboring nations, there is hardly any country which is not having the boundary issues.  The long running conflict between Israel with philistine is well and widely known. Every country has some lasting challenges in its domain like Naxalism, Moaism, racism, regionalism, language and many more internal issues. As long as these issues are not solved our effort to universal brotherhood will be in vain.

One can grieve at the idea of universal brotherhood when he sees the strong hold and dominance of a few so called developed countries over the world organizations like UNO, IMF, UNICEF, UNESCO and many more. Although these organizations are constituted with notion to benefit all human beings but they are headed and governed by the powerful developed countries like USA, Britain and others. The world’s second highly populated country India could not secure a permanent seat at UNO till now. The dictatorship of the lead nations we have seen everywhere. For their own benefits, they twist the rules and execute accordingly. They have their covetous eves over oil stores in west Asian countries, and to tighten the hold on these countries, either they are attacking by themselves on false accusations or promoting internal conflicts to weaken them. Today almost all the developed countries devise to have strong hold over world economy; they have the hawk eye for being the leader in the world market by hook or by crook. The developing countries are big sufferers in it.

If there is equality all around the world, then it’s surprising to say why are there so many disparities among currencies of different nations like dollar, rupee, euro, Yuan, dinar and so on. The attack over Indians in major countries like Australia and America and step motherly temperament of so called developed countries exemplify their hidden notions.

     Another thing that is striking and remarkable that if one stabs another man right in the belly through the dagger and later says that, let’s forget our enmity and be noble friends, can the wounded fellow extend the hand in friendship? Absolutely it will be ‘never’.  Can Japanese forget the Hiroshima and Nagasaki event? Can the world’s notorious dictators like Hitler, Napoleon and Mussolini and Bismarck be excused? Of course, it is ‘No’. Can Russia ever be friend of America? Can World forget what Germans did in world war? Can Germans ever forget what injustice so called countries in League of Nations did to them? Though the wars are over today, but the pots are boiling everywhere.

This is to say in very clear words that ‘It’s act of not any single country but cooperation of every nation, and that is, in fact, never possible and practicable.

     Moreover, if patriotism values nothing then what is the use of celebrating Independence Day and Republic Day with pomp and show? Throw away the false crying over the slogans of jay hind, Dilli Chalo, Tum Mujhe Khoon Do, Mai Tumhe Azadi Doonga so and so. Forget Bhagat Singh, Mahatma Gandhi, Subhas Chandra Bose and other great warriors and martyrs.

       In this regard, the lines of famous American poet Mark Twain are worth quotable that ‘East is east and west is west and never twain can meet together’.


The oxford dictionary defines well that, “Emotion is a strong feeling that has love, fear and anger”.
Man is a social animal and man is a living organism as well. Where there is life there will be emotions. It is the emotion that has brought one man to another man together and formed the society. It is emotion that differentiates us from non living organism. The man feels what other man suffers from. The best example of human’s emotions which we can see from the mother fondling and milking her baby.

Can anybody tell why we start shedding our valuable tears when someone dies in an accident? Don’t we show sympathy with handicapped and disabled persons begging alms?

What to say about real human relationships in day to day practical life, even in the Sas Bahu serials and heart rending films why do we become emotional. Why our eyes flood into tears. We say it nothing else but emotions and emotions only.

Then question may arise in everyone’s mind that what really emotion is. Emotion is an expression or an idea or a situation where someone feels the same as other feels. Not merely mankind even all living organism have emotions of their own. They laugh, they weep, they sympathize and they boast.

Have we forgotten the emotions of Bharat towards Rama, Shabari towards Rama Eklavya towards Dronacharya. They are all the unique examples which are highly regarded and revered in our life.

Emotion is the foundation brick of all human and his social values. If we abandon all emotional aspect of life, then need not to weep at death of someone and at the farewell of brides at marriage. Why do we start liking or hating someone? Why do the memory of departed or separated sweet ones haunt long after their exit from the worldly scene? It is all due to emotional aspect of human life.

Life is impossible without emotions. There are innumerable emotions attached with human life. Even we can say that all human actions are guided by emotions. Love and hate is the part of universal dualism. Either we love or hate. They are also emotions. Love is god, love is life, and love is music and love is art as well. Nothing is above love according to the myths and modern thinkers. It is love that prompts a man to be friend of another man. That is the first step of social structuralism.  That knits the web of society of social relationships.

Emotion is the predominant and integral part of poetry and we know poetry is life. Wordsworth defines poetry as “Poetry is the overflow of powerful feeling recollected in tranquility.”
When Dropadi was being undressed, every one cried, when Abhimanyu died, everyone wailed. But why did it happen?  It was because of overflowing of powerful emotions.

Desire, anger, sympathy, love, hate and friendliness are all the outburst of powerful emotions. Man is the most dominant, wise and powerful creature of the world. He is the store of marvelous and miraculous ideas that led to numerous inventions and discoveries. Emotions are pre-requisite of these ideas.  The emotions come naturally, and then we modify them into ideas that help in advancement of the society.

It’s the biggest blunder of human race to take him as a lifeless object beyond all emotions. This seems quite ridiculous if one takes the man having no emotions and no feelings. This is malicious and ignorant expression of self. Nothing can be more shameful as to consider human race in dearth of emotions. It’s unbelievable and baseless. Whatever anyone can argue for the sake of logicality but his conscience will itself be not accepting what his mouth is boasting of. For the sake pedantry and prudence, one may manipulate the facts which he himself is aware of.

Someone has rightly affirmed that ‘imagination is pre-requisite of ideas, and ideas have made human race dominant over other races of the planet. This is idea and idea only that has proved our supremacy over other creatures of the planet. And it is well and widely known to everyone that ideas come after emotions and imaginations. So to say man having no emotions is merely mockery of self as well as whole of mankind.

Emotions make us as human or a living organism otherwise we are lifeless and inactive body. It is emotion that makes us feel like man. It is emotion that brings one man to another man together and that is the first pillar of the huge and magnificent building of social relationships.

It is emotion that has inspired all branches of human knowledge and learning- may it be sociology, psychology, history, philosophy and science and religion. The man was shocked and surprised by the happening in his surrounding in early dawn of human civilization and started exploring deep with faith and devotion. That helped in advancement of human knowledge and learning.  Today we firmly believe that every branch of learning is the inspiration from nature and nature is much associated with emotional aspect of human life.

If we don’t have emotions why should we worship in temples? Why should we be afraid of wrongs in life? Who do we respect our elders; follow the rules of the world?  Why we shed tears on death of someone and sympathize with suffering fellows? It is because we are having immense store of emotions in the core of our hearts. That’s why we lament, we cry, we smile, we over joy and we break if someone or something hurts us.

Our emotions overflow when someone is drowning, burnt, bleeds in accident, is bitten by snake or cries in various pains of the world. Why our hands move automatically to help the persons in urgent need?

The man without emotions is a stone, a lifeless object and everyone knows that lifeless object cannot make the world go ahead. These mechanical instruments require wise skills to be controlled and operated. That is possible only by human with emotions.

Without emotions we are robotic in nature that only knows how to perform the acts not why to perform the acts. This type of tendency brings catastrophe and large scale destructions.

Whenever there was loss of emotions there was destruction and panic. The consecutive two world wars and innumerable battles gave nothing fruitful to the world. In guise to accomplish the hypothetical ambitions, there had been huge destruction of human sweat and blood.

When ideas and emotions are placed together, we firmly avouch that ideas mostly contribute in destructive tendency while emotions are constructive in nature.  Ideas are cruel and unkind whereas emotions are drowned deep in sympathy and mercy. Ideas bring the Hiroshima and Nagasaki situation whereas the emotions bring peaceful communication, contribution and conference like situation. Undoubtedly it is idea that has brought matchless discoveries and inventions in front of the world but we must not forget that the same ideas have generated nuclear and bio-chemical weapons that are able to destroy total humanity within minutes. But the emotions teach us to love humanity whatever region or country anyone belongs. This is not due to caste and color that creates difference between us but due to bone and flesh that makes us human and nothing else. Everyone is made of bone and flesh whatever country he belongs.

It is emotions and emotions only that has inspired in building the social framework. Emotions bring one person to another person together. This formulates family, society, and nation and so world and humanity. We all well remember the famous saying of Aristotle that Man is the social animal, beyond society either he is god or beast. Neither are we beast nor gods because we are living in society. The society is the culmination of emotions.

Whenever human beings abandon emotions and gave much emphasis to individual ideas than communal ideas they had to suffer unfathomable losses. The names and deeds of the notorious dictators like Hitler, Mussolini, Bismarck and Napoleon is the burning and unique examples.

Talking high only about the emotional aspects of man will be unjust and unfair. The ideas too are vigorously important in our life. Emotional aspects and ideas complement each other to saturate and satiate human life. Someone has factually remarked that heart is deceiver and mind is receiver. Man is because he has fantabulous ideas and miraculous ideas. It is ideas not the emotions that have certified the supremacy of man over other fellow creatures of the planet. It is ideas that have brought incredulous discoveries and inventions. It is ideas that inspire and enable mankind to incline towards innovative novel deeds.  The ideas make the current of life, quite afresh and keep moving on. That is the reason why after centuries of advent of human civilization, the charm of living is still alive. There is hope and there is beauty.

We ever think but we rarely feel. Emotions are but temporary and transient in nature. They lack productivity and continuity. They lack force of life.

The man is surrounded by multiple ideas that help him to live life beautifully and successfully as well in the hustling and bustling world. The man having no idea is called stupid, foolhardy and wicked. He gets no respect and no attention even from the family persons what to say about others in the society.

All the time man keeps on thinking and thinking either about his personal life or about family, society, profession, the country etc. he has no time to show emotions towards others. It is no exaggeration to say that in modern world of hurries and worries, we don’t know what’s being cooked in neighbors’ kitchen. If someone dies in the neighborhood, the news we get when we get the formal invitation of final rituals. Not only this, we hurriedly pass through the road and see someone died in an accident, but we have no time for showing emotions for the fellow. We take it granted that such cases occur regularly.  Just remember how we pass through crushing the lamed or disabled person sitting at pathways and footpaths. We even cry slangs on these pathetic fellows.

Ideas have made the man to feel proud of his race. It is ideas that have led to climb the skyward mountains, to dive bottomless oceans and fly immeasurable spaces. Emotions beget fears and out of fear such adventurous tasks are impossible.

Ideas have brought man from primitive and nomadic stage to a civilized and cultured stage.  We have the mechanical facilities that make the life go smooth and comfortable. Today we boast of high skyscrapers and magnificent buildings, sophisticated transportation and info-technology. That is all possible from the grand ideas not frail emotions.

Just imagine what we would have been if we had seen and shown emotions and emotions only. Emotions make a man weak and a man nothing to do. Emotions are fantasy while ideas are the fact. And everyone knows how long fantasy can help us. Fantasy is cheater and so are the emotions.

One of the famous writers of English literature, the dramatist and essayist, George Bernard Shaw whose dramas are called as the drama of ideas has confidently said that ‘it is ideas that have made us to feel like man, otherwise we were beast’. It is the ideas of our great philosophers and thinkers not their emotions that have influenced and inspired the humanity. May it be Lord Christ, Prophet Mohammed, Lord Buddha and Mahatma Gandhi; their ideas have guided the path of humanity to walk on the path of eternity. Their ideas are the lamps to lighten the darkness prevalent in the society. Their ideas had been the eternal source of inspiration in all ups and downs of humanity and its advancement.

How can we forget Edison’s naughty ideas to hatch the eggs and fly the girl servant? How can we forget the Newton’s ideas in leisure on falling of the apples? Even the total physical disability of Stephen Hawking can’t stop him thinking miraculously and contributing to the development of human knowledge.

Are we still in the false pretension to over crying of emotions? Every educated person will be aware of the famous saying ‘where there is will there is way’. What’s that? Is that emotion or idea? Absolutely that is idea not emotion.

If anyone is drowning in front of your eyes, what would you like to do?  Would you show emotions on the dying man or think how to save the man? Someone’s house is on fire, what you would do? To shed tears on the burning house or think how to help. The answer will absolutely be ‘to think how to save the situation’. Can we feed up or fulfill the requirement of our own or family members’ only by showing emotions? Can we bring the dresses to put on only by showing emotions? No and never. We have to think and act accordingly. Only after that we can fulfill the needs of ours and family members. Was it possible to make India free only by showing emotions in front of the Britishers? Was the planning and fighting of national leaders was in vain? No, to find the goal and to achieve success anywhere, we need planning and execution with full devotions.

This is quite appropriate to quote the philosophical saying that “Nothing is good or bad in the world; our thinking makes us feel so”.
Both the human emotions and ideas have inevitable and significant role in life. They must be well synchronized together. Their equivalency in life will bring florescent and fabulous outcomes. They must equally be respected and reflected.


The man is under constant inflow of painful waves which pinch his mind and soul right from the birth till his death.

He may be poor or rich, handsome or ugly, ruler or the ruled, young or old, male or female, celebrity or commoner or anyone, he can’t avoid the brutal brunt of time. The sobs, sighs and sufferings are a reality of human life. They are the stories of everyone’s door. They are universal facts.

The commoners, the poor and the lower strata people are struggling hard against poverty, diseases, epidemics, securities, respect and identity. The children die starved, under nourished and untreated. The epidemics like the chicken Guinea, the dengue, the cholera, the poxes, the malaria, mumps and measles wash away total populace at one jolt. These haves not sufferers are easy prey of fatal diseases. For these people, death is a daily and routine occurrence. Their lives are smitten in penury, problems and agonies. The widows, widowers and orphans can easily be found there. The stinking slums stifle and strangulate their lives. Their short lives slowly and slowly smolder away.

The stardom, celebrity status and glamour may look tempting and charming for a while, but there are different stories behind the curtain. To think that these people are beyond doubts, fear, stresses, miseries, anxieties and complexities is utterly untrue. We are acquainted only with few of their pompous and artificial hours where they appear with effortful glee and giggle on their painted faces. Only their braggart and bombarding hours are publicized and propagated. They have their personal life haunted by friends, neighbors, relatives, fans, business partners, co workers, office personnel, bosses and subordinates. They have their hoarse and harsh rivals in cruel competitive world. They have also the human emotions like ambitions, anger, love, desires, likes and dislikes. They also reflect and react on losses or gains, on applauses or abuses and on successes and failures. They have also 24x7 routine of life. Out of overnight performances, exuberant assignments, hectic schedules and exhaustions strain their body and mind. The haunts of rivalry, treachery, divorce, separation makes them restless, rude and broken. They often use pills to kill self and sleep deprivations. Moreover these glittering stars are not beyond the agonies of life like disease, aging and deaths.

To say that “Where there is life, there are sufferings” will not be exaggeration. The human species are sorely afflicted of it but the animals and plants are no exceptions. They too are, to some quantum, affected by them. The danger of food and safety ever looms in the lives of the animal. They too have emotions and natural instincts. They express them in many ways like mating, bearing, fostering, securing, and training their offspring to perpetuate their generations. They play, weep, cry and celebrate too in their lives. They communicate, assist and care to themselves. Everybody has seen the female deer fighting the wild beast to save her baby, the bird tweaking the snakes and hunter for her dear little ones and baby elephant well surrounded by the elders to protect from lions and tigers. The elephant nozzle up incessantly to wake up the dead and drowned baby elephant. Such are the instances how from a small insects to mammoth aquatic, terrestrial and celestial animals have huge agonies of foods and securities. They have fears, excitements, dominances and miseries of their own kinds.

The most latent, inexpressive and ignored world is of algae, herbs, shrubs, grasses, plants and forests. To fetch out that they have their emotions, miseries and agonies is a little bizarre and awkward. The scientists have proclaimed and proved that ‘The plants have almost all traits and features of a living being. They also beat and breathe. They have their own metabolic processes, needs and systems. They also display emotions in their own ways. The plant ‘touch me not’ is its superb example. It shrinks quickly when it is touched and expands slowly and slowly. The touch, sound, vibrations, air, light, water and surrounding definitely affect the plants. An experiment was done by a psychologist to test whether the human instincts affect the plants or not. By putting three similar plants into three different vases in the same atmospheric condition, the psychologist said kind and lovely words to one, unkind to second and unkindest to the third to a span of time. The astonishing result was observed. The first grew green and well while the third faded and dried away. Though this experiment was done to check the effect of our kind and cruel behavior to children, yet it sufficient proof to ascertain that the plants have their own agonies of life.

Being the wisest creature of the planet, the man broke away multifold bounds and boundaries of the Nature. The multiple complications originated throughout his quest for supremacy and success. He wept in wounds. He drowned in desires. He was throbbed and threatened to defile deadlocks of the Nature. He got callous cuts and fatal hurts. In spite of it, he ever endeavors a lot to soften the distresses and travails. But how much success does he get? It’s almost nothing as the man is made to suffer under tight claws of time, people and circumstances.

Sometimes he frustrates for the loss of his beloved and beautiful things or not to obtain the expected desires and dreams. His house accidently caught fire and destroyed. His son drowned to death while bathing in the river. His daughter was abducted, raped and murdered. His wife hanged herself on the silliest issue. The rioters set his magnificent shop on fire. He was paralyzed out of heart stroke. He could not repay the debt of his son’s studies, his shop and ailment of his father. The son is over aged, and now he is not getting a suitable job. There is no suitable match for the daughter who is getting over aged. The shop is not running well as the cut throat and sharp edge competitions in business world. The local criminals send life threatening messages if not given the demanded amount. He feels ashamed and inferior of not letting his children admitted in prestigious schools and coaching centers, not letting children to dinner at multi star hotels, shopping malls, theatres and picnic spots on every weekend as all the other neighbors do. The size, cost and shine of the car of neighbors also dishearten him. The marbles, glasses, lawns and designs of the bungalow of the neighbors weaken his morale and confidence. Such are the everyday’s’ agonies in man’s routine life.

The process continues throughout the life span of an individual. Right from the advent of human race upon the planet, the man has experienced it.

Though a man may boast for the outstanding and extra-ordinary achievements in the long run of his life but the real black spot of human development is that he could not recoup the human loss of losing himself. The man is constantly distancing himself from his own self. He frantically searches solace, comfort and pleasure around the world and in the crowds, whereas he does not know that nectar lies within him. He is perversely unaware and unfamiliar with this secret. His frets, struts and bewilder on non cognition and not attainment of the real joy and happiness. He is strayed, stranded and astrayed in the pursuit of divine juice of liveliness. He fails to look within him and that enhances his agonies and ugliness. He crushes cruelly his self in the eerie craze and eccentricity to find the pleasure beyond and without. He becomes hugely strange to himself.  

No doubt, today we are on the unprecedented stage of human development. The man has transcended and superseded all the previous records of advancement in every ambit of human life. Now he has earned the title of machine man, technical man, robotic man, super man and so others, but amid the same he has lost the human values which had been carried on from one generation to another.  The blind chase of dreams and destinations has extracted away of the essence of human values. He even sacrifices the delicate and lovely relatives and their relationships.
He swings and sways in to lonely ways and singular directions. He kills unkindly the worthy knots and terms with own race and own people. He considers such beautiful bondages as boredom and burdensome. He flies with fragile and feeble feathers with no one to see and support. His sky high aspirations and mountainous ambitions make him desolate, forlorn and lonely. His human values to nurture and nourish the beautiful bonds of relationships get harshly subdued, submerged and subverted. That deepens up his own as well as other’s agonies of loneliness. Thus, he has suffered the loss of human relationship. Though there are relationships, they are only for namesake. The very tenderness and softness is lost somewhere in unknown land. Even in his own family, he finds and feels himself strange.

So this actual picture prevails in every section of society wherever a man lives. The continents and countries scattered at the globe, wherever the humanity and living organism reside, they have the agonies in common. The agonies of life pervade universally throughout the world in American, Europeans, Africans, The West, Mid and East Asians and the Australians  who too face birth, marriage, death, love, fear, anger and hates. They have wraths on abuses and attacks. They have love on applauses and appreciations. They smile on cozy and trickling jokes. They frown on rude and brutalities. They shed genuine tears on losses. They enjoy on victories and successes. They mourn the death and marvel the births. So agonies equally and universally prevail to all horizons under the skies.

He runs after the perfection.  Does he get? Absolutely not, as to adjust with losses has become his nature. Where his competence retrogrades, he leaves on lot or time. He tries his best to integrate with it. Shrouded and surrounded by agonies of life, he has learnt adaptation and adjustment. When he fails, falls and fumbles, he surrenders himself helplessly to time and circumstances. His torn, tired and shattered self get a momentary refrain and relief. He gropes into new ways and possibilities to tackle the tough and tedious hours. His novelties, innovations and creations form other agonies of varied types and colors. The agonies of life rather worsen gruesomely than to ease down.

For example, to replace and substitute the traditional weapons of battles like spears, swords, maces and bows, the man invented rifles, machine guns, revolvers, missiles, atom bombs and nuclear weapons. What do they signify? The consecutive two inglorious world wars hastened the inventions of such heinous, fatal and catastrophic weapons. They now consist the capability and power to destroy the planet’s occupants at eye’s blink. The chemical, bio, gas and heterogeneous weapons are the monsters and name of disasters. They can gobble up the world within seconds. The accidental deaths on speedy aero planes, trains, buses and other vehicles are well known to all. The electricity, gases and appliances used at domestic purposes, offices and public places are other hidden and hideous names of calamities and casualties. So, such things although make the human life easy going, smooth, better, exact and quicker, yet the looming danger inherent in them pose great challenge to his own survival. Here too, the agonies in life do persist in man’s own decisions, devises and attainments.
Until there is breath and beat, there will be agonies. The agonies of life can never be erased and eradicated. They move magnificently with movement of life on the Earth. Even the great sages like Lord Gautam Buddha, Prophet Mohamed and Lord Christ and thousand others could not eradicate it, what to say about common folk and citizenry. They preached the illustrious sermons and strenuous teachings to love, peace, happiness, fraternity, compassion, gratitude, faith, tolerance, magnanimity and benevolence. What did they achieve? How much impression did they leave upon living world? Even many philanthropists and liberal scholars criticize their contributions saying that “These sages and prophets have rather ruptured the humanity by dividing into sects who ever are on eternal clash, conflict and collide. They fight together brutally to prove, strengthen and establish their supremacy over others”. After judicious and impartial analysis, their roles cannot be negated and denied as they and their devouts have given exemplary service to humanity.  If they could not eradicate it, at least they curtailed, mitigated and minimized the agonies of life.
To think of abolishing it is insane and foolish thinking. We can mitigate by our common sense, cooperation and understanding. They can be diminished by control over our dreams, desires and ambitions. All essential human values like love, peace, kindness and cooperation should be well revered and venerated. That may make the world less afflicted of agonies than to be heinously drowned and dead in it.

Once a child of about twelve years old, bent under the over burdened clumsy bag hugely congested by books, sat beside me, while travelling in school bus to Akbarpur. He looked tired and fatigue. He sweated and looked exasperated. With deep and heavy breath, he stretched and straightened himself. His comforting acts discomforted me, but I did not complain. I sat silent with occasional stare to him.

“Be comfortable boy, sit easily and straight way”, I humbly said to him.
He looked into my eyes. His eyes seemed rolling into dubiety.
“What happened, boy, you look a bit puzzled and restless” I politely asked.
He retorted at once as if he was waiting to express his agony.
“Are the elders ever envious of children?” He enquired inquisitively.
“No, not at all, boy”
Struck and affected by his undaunted ways, I quietly answered.
He again prompted to vent, aggressively said, “Why then, they are ever behind us children?”
“No boy, what happened to you?  What elders did to you?” I said.
He simply asked me, "Uncle, why do the elders ever scold us to study and study only?”
What I answered was just simple, "Dear, It’s for your good, so that you may turn into a successful man later on”.
The child again asked, "Does success mean only poking into bulky books and being bitterly beaten by elders?"
I got a bit struck, shivered. How does a child like him seem to be so inquisitive? But I had to do something to satisfy his eagerness. What should I say? How should I answer? Is the child going to be unanswered?
I simply said, "Success which the elders expect for is not the stuff from books and rotes but by which you may really become a man”.
"Am I not a man then, an animal?” he again asked.
Further he asked a bit furiously asked, “Does animal do so much home works? Does an animal read so many bogus books? Does an animal carry such a heavy bags on their backs? Does an animal work hard to pass and fail? Does an animal get punishment on not securing highest in the exams?”
He took up his bag, opened books and showed. He looked withered and wounded.
I wanted to pacify him.
“Boy, we have all to study such books, there is no other alternative”, I patted his back to solace his spirit.
Putting back all his books inside the bag, sadly he said, “Uff…, I will either throw away all of them into the nearby well or burn it into ashes”.

The child’s constant and confident queries again pinched my mind. This made me out of words. I became speechless for a while. I hadn't satisfactory answer for the child. Somehow I diverted his attention toward nearby chocolate shop and returned home. The curiosity of child hovered ever around me. Shame on me, I couldn't satisfy even a child's queries. I felt fool and fragile.

This is not the one and only case which occurred with me. Every day the childhood worth is crushed under threat of chiding and beating by elders all around. The elders don't have much time to think what these children really need. They are forsaken in the care of nurses, maids and others than the tightly busy parents. The elders only think that to grow up them and sending them to school is their only job. They forget that a child wants more than what they usually give so called 'lavish' life.

To admit in costly boarding schools has become a fashion today. We think that we have done wonderful thing after handing over the child in the brutal boarding schools. Where they are so professional and mint money by all means and measures. They make machine out of man by rigid and strict disciplinary rules. Such boarding schools are the factories where products are refined and charged handsomely. And they don’t provide any guarantee or warranty for spurious products. On failure of the child, they rather raise questions in the genetic complexities in the child. They issue a judgment order about the worthlessness of the child. That makes the child disheartened and parents hopeless and broken.

We need to understand the psyche of the child and fulfill all of their requisites physical, mental and social needs. They need love and affection in early to later days than to be sent school in such a tender age. The age when a child requires affectionate and fondling companionship of the parents, he is beautifully equipped with school uniform and lowering bags. The parents start aspiring so frantic and fabulous things from the child. They can make these children an engineer over night, if it is in their reach and capacity. They see the child of the neighbor, going to school. They find other’s child reciting English poems in such an early age. They throw the innocent and young child into the race of dire competition. In that age, the child does not even know what actually a competition is.

All the lanes and streets are full of attractive posters, banners, hoardings and advertisements about nursery schools. There features the high slogans to make the child superman from ordinary being. There features the giggling and playing children in front of the bewitching school building and play grounds. They even attract the parents by huge concession of fees and superb facilities. But such are the other voracious and greedy ways to money minting machines and nothing else.

From an early age of only two years, we start planning and sending the child in LKG, UKG, PLAY GROUP and Nursery schools. We need to rethink what we are going to do. If the child crams few poems’ lines and recite in front him and guests, will that be all and enough for the child? The researchers advise the parents to send their wards to school only at the age of five. The psychologists also endorse it. Childhood if once lost can never be regained. So the child must get opportunity to enjoy its beautiful childhood. The studies and successes are life long process. Through our long or short span of life, we have to struggle and strive for survival. At least, the childhood age should be spared from such loathsome things. The child must remain a child until he actually becomes an adult. We dream to make an adult extracting the essence of childhood.

The health of the children too must be in the very pivot, while encumbering his back with boring burdens. In pursuit of easy, quick and big dreams, we throw the health of the children into hazardous situations. From dawn to night, fiercely entangled, wrapped and engrossed into the flipping of the pages of books and burden, their health is most often overlooked and ignored. The soft smile and blithering giggles start fading from their sweet and innocent faces.

Health is the sound state of human mind and body. Moreover his behavior, social terms and ethical values also decide the health of a person. Health is considered above wealth. If wealth we lose, that can be regained by working hard if we have lost our health we will even not be able to work. We become physically and mentally feeble. This restrains us to do anything. And everyone knows that without doing anything we can’t earn wealth.

To keep children healthy and fit in the present world, it’s very important that we must give them a disciplined, stress free, loving and healthy life style. We must intensely take care of what we offer them to eat. Even we must take care of how we train and teach them to eat. We must closely focus on their diets having all nutritious ingredients in proportion like fat, carbohydrates, protein, minerals and vitamins for the sake of growth- physical as well as mental. We must rigidly restrain them to take unhealthy, infected and stinking foods. We must avoid any way, the excess use of oil and spices for them. Seasonal fruits and vegetable can also to be given to them for their proper growth.

For the better of the children, we should promote, facilitate and motivate outdoor and indoor games for them. These activities help huge in many ways to build social values, interpersonal relationship and also helps to cope with the challenges whirling around them. That also strengthens them physically, mentally, psychologically and socially.

In the fast moving and busiest age, nobody is free to give time in sports, games yoga and exercises. Due to it, the children miss most valuable phase of their life to live lightly and pleasantly. The parents have many responsibilities from morning to evening. They even, most often, are in hurry and hurricanes, and provide the school going tiny tots, mere bread, butter and sauce. This dangerous habit leads these young children to depend on many junk and fast foods which are being sold outside in unhealthy surrounding and stinking places which are highly infective by pests and pleas. To keep our children healthy and fit, the parents have to give sufficient time in such lovable activities and proper healthy life style.

The 21st century has brought another big revolution in the field of computer and information technology. The life of the children is sure to get affected by them. It’s in the very nature of human beings, as the man had been very inquisitive about the surrounding. The abundant natural stuffs allure his spirit and compel to cogitate of it. This led to uncountable and extraordinary discoveries and inventions. These have indeed transformed the human life into easy going and comfortable. These are the secrets how the nomadic and savage life was converted into sophisticated civilized one. Despite all these, they too have increased the level devastations and havocs. The world has witnessed the consequent catastrophes throughout ages like world wars that claimed immeasurable lives and properties.

Out of these human strides, the television was quite revolutionary inventions. It shook the very root of human social livings. Now the world has become transparent wherein even the minutes or least important issues are relayed in no time. Moreover it has reshuffled the social pattern and life style. The man residing far on the altitude of the Everest sheds tears for the flood and famine affected people of Kanyakumari. The television also facilitates an individual to formulate the information about art, music, politics, economy, sports etc.

It’s rightly said that a child learns more from visual output. From the breakfast time to supper at night, there is the only thing ‘television’ being discussed.  
It has also brought few drawbacks along with it. It has affected almost every section of society of all age groups. The young children had been more sufferer than any of them. The television creates certain complications like-
·        Eye sight problems
·        Backbone problem
·        Wastage of time on useless stuffs.
·        Less time remains to study
 It has greatly endangered and degenerated the health standard of young children. According to the several surveys done in this regard by multiple agencies and organizations, the television mania among children has not only victimized the young kids but their parents as well. The parents roam about the hospitals to get the better treatment for their children in place of going to their offices.
So the famous saying seems worth mentioning here that ‘Excess of everything is bad’. A child requires sticking to TV only for a short span of time on well devised schedules. The parents should be very vigilant toward them while sitting in front it. Thus television can be the storehouse of information if properly managed otherwise it can devastate the children.

Away from television, the advancement in the field of media and networking, primarily and prominently has gruesomely affected the life of children. Although in modern time, the media and networking has become an integral part of human life. As breath is important for life so is media and networking for the advanced human race. If they have thousands good aspects, there are thousands bad aspects too. In lack of good judging skill and capacity, they rather fall fiercely in trap of rubbish things. Overuse and lunatic craze of social media like Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, Instagram, Skype, Wechat, Linkedin and Youtube have done more wrong and less good. Moreover, the hundreds of foul and filthy websites, offering free porn, dates, popping ads and insane objects have spoiled the heart and mind of the children. That rather distracted, defiled and dampened these children. The untrained and novice to such web magic, the children prance across sites to sites, ending only the in exhausted mind, limp body and sloth heart.

The android smart phones have become the individual as well as social need today. It may be a basic need of communication, information and entertainment for the elderly citizens, but it is a wonderful, passionate, dreamy object for the children. The glowing glass tempered, large size, costly, featured and stylish mobile phones are craze, craving and lust of the children. They are so slave of such gadgets and devices, that they spend more time in googling, serfing, chating, watching and doing in them than in books, study, coaching and home works. They prove less good and more bad as they cripple and paralyze the independent thinking, natural behavior and innate growth of the children. Their natural instincts, geniuses and capacities get blocked and stunted. More pitiable and abject situation is when such devil devices fall in their hands in an early tender age. They screen flash, radiation and stare suppress the beauty of their childhood. The age when the loving hands, cozy laps, fondling soft touch and kindred voices should have been there, they are left lifelessly in lifeless such demoniac and deadly devices.

The child should remain a child when it is a child. All hurries and haste to grow into adult is suicidal. The child is a child only and the elders are solely responsible to decide the path, process and progress of the children. The elders are crushed under the materialistic needs, debts and dreams. They could not acquire them, so they start expecting big from these children. They become restless, impatient and garrulous to attain them as soon as possible. In such beguile, belligerent and beastly race, the children become victim. The result is that their priceless phase of childhood is lost to the least.  

The uniqueness of the child must also be dully respected. To compare the worth of a child with other is the most lowly and dangerous blunder of the elderly fellows. By doing this, we elderly people rather lead the children nowhere but towards deadly directions. Childhood once lost, can never be regained. Let the child enjoy its childhood to the full with all its fragrances. Childhood is priceless. Even the richest one of the world can’t purchase it. The world’s whole property and prices can’t help on old man to regain his childhood. There are countable few years in childhood to remain free from the worldly bounds, cares and coarsenesses, other side, there are copious years to succeed, earn and lavish.

Let the child be merely a child, enjoying all blessings, boons, beauties and bounties of nature, people and world. Let the world wait till he becomes young and adult. Let the world wait till he becomes a mature man. Let him grow on his own way and speed. Let him not face any undue pressure, problem and hurries. Let the world respect the worth of his childhood.