
Saturday, August 19, 2017

Demonetisation is a boost for Indian Economy’-against

Honourable jury members, learned teachers and dear friends, I am here to speak against the topic ‘Demonetisation is a boost for Indian Economy’.
While thinking about the topic I got extremely perturbed and perplexed why like frantic and fanatic people, my noble opponent is making so much hues and cries. I don’t find any prudent and powerful logic to eulogize and appreciate Demonetisation.
Demonetization is a natural and universal process. It is not bound to any particular time and space. Even a person, with a little knowledge of history of India as well as of world, is well acquainted with the facts that the coins and currencies changed in different ages from leaves, leather, metals and papers. It happened in all civilizations and dynasties of the world, not only in India. But my worthy opponents is singing eulogy song and showering words in favor of demonetization in Indian economy. Why does he not talk demonetization is boost for economy? Why only Indian economy?
If my rival friend means demonetization by our prime minister Narendra Modi on 8 Nov 2016, and if he is trying to issue a certificate counting all success stories of it, I with all might and belief avouch that it was black day in the history Indian economy and a shame for Indian people. India never saw such a dictatorial eccentricity to give sudden blow to the citizens by breaking their backbones.
The long and deadly tiresome lines in front of the ATM and banks gobbled and engulfed around 140 lives. The citizens clashed and collided together for nothing.  A catastrophic civil warlike situation was created by the insanity of one man. The narcissist man like Nero in Rome played the flute and left the country burning, full of chaos and calamity.  The patients died in the hospitals, the poor people and their children died of hunger, the parents could not deposit the school fees, the people could not travel to their dear relatives in the needs, the marriages suffered huge set back. Country’s millions of laborers strayed and starved  as the factories stopped, the construction works demolished and retail world crashed. The hungry and jobless people shrieked and sheltered on the roads.
The frivolous and bogus claim to curb corruption, stop terrorism, fetter fake currency and bring black money shattered into pieces. Nothing came in our hands. Even after one year the Indian people could not come out of the comma and attack of 8 Nov.
India is a democratic country. Democracy is by the people, of the people and for the people. The representative government should issue ordinance and constitute laws in interest of the people to bring smile on their faces and happiness in their lives. But demonetizations acted quite against it. The people bewailed, bled and died.
Even in such a disastrous and deadly results of demonetization, my worthy opponents is counting the beads in the prayer of their newly incarnated god. Don’t forget that the chief architect of Indian constitution Dr Ambedkar had warned the Indian government and Indian people in his last address to constituent assembly that hero worship is dangerous for democracy, we must abandon this tendency as soon as possible for the sake country, for the sake of people’.    
How long can we cherish the utopian bliss? One thing I want to make crystal clear that I oppose ‘Demonetization is boost for Indian economy’ not demonetization. I only stand dead against the silly slogans and coveted claims being hugely and highly propagated to earn applause on the nonsense act. All highly qualified and scholar gentries present here well know that it is not the first occasion of demonetization in India. Why did this only become the matter of life and death? Why did the policies of withdraw and deposit change every day and 24 times in a month?  Why did the ruling government had to issue clarification and circular each day? Have you ever seen such a fragile and freakish rulers in your life time? I believe, you have not seen.
On 15 august, the prime minister says that 56 lakh new tax payers were added since demonetization, but before some months the finance minister said 91 lakh,  RBI said 30 lakh and one independent survey said 5.6 lakh. Now it is up to you decide whom to believe. Why such false data are being given? It is only to shroud the failure of demonetization. They also realize their guilt, their mistake but they don’t dare to accept it. They have to get the political benefit in elections. So to accept the failure of demonetization is to suicide for them. It may expel and thrust them away from such aristocratic power and luxuries. this is the real fear.
The Nobel laureate in the field of economy Professor Amartya Sen spoke that the demonetization will bring no good to the country and the people, rather it will brings havocs and hazards.’ Later he was punished for his frank and outspoken statement and expelled from his esteemed office. Not only him, the prominent economists and experts of India as well as of world sharply criticized the demonetization policy of Indian government.  They censored it saying illogical, dictatorial, immature, novice and irresponsible.
Newyork Times hit hard by saying it a decision taken in ignonimity and imbecility and predicted about the loss of lives and property.
Did the terrorist activities stop? Did the killing of soldiers at the border stop? Did the black money and fake currency curtail? Did the corruption end? Have the job opportunities arisen?  Did the Indian economy and GDP increase?
According to the various national and international surveys and reports like MOODY, FINCH, WORLD BANK the Indian economy has suffered a huge hit and sharp set back. The life standard of the Indian people has lowered down and miserably worsened.
Can anybody forget how the foreign tourists spoke in front of media camera and by their personal videos over social medias like facebook, twitter and whatsapp against the demonetization step taken suddenly by Indian government. The inflow of money from such foreign visitors was damaged, dampened and discouraged.
In such horrendous torrent and tragedy of demonetization, mostly the common people felt the agonies and stress. They walked miles up to weeks with 500 and 1000 notes and returned barehanded and the starving family members and children waited impatiently and innocently. They slept empty stomach. The bank personnel sent the money straight to saffrons, aristocrats and leaders. By back door entry the banks played the gimmick of high corruption. And worthy opponents say that the corruption curtailed.
I feel sorry for him. I have deep sympathy with him to stand and support the wrong side.
Government is for the welfare of the people, not to squeeze their blood. Any policy or step of government, if it fails to fulfill the aspirations of the citizen should be critically condemned and criticized.
I call the dear citizens not to fall in snare of hero worship and be victim of dictatorial tyranny. Be faithful to your land, your great ancestors and their principles. Let the country not erode away under the unscrupulous insanities of narcissist people.
Whenever you feel that any power is trying to establish autonomy by trampling the interest of countrymen, stand and oppose strongly for the sake of humanity.
Let our dear country not fall in the hands of kind butchers and heartiest hitlers.

Thank you.